Underworld FAQ: Session #1
Ok, now it’s a good time to summarize what’s happened with Underworld during the last time. Lets do it in the form of FAQ session. Feel free to ask more questions in comments or in twitter.
What’s Underworld about?
Underworld is an innovative location based online game for handheld platforms (iPhone, for the time being). Game simulates the trade on the global black market which exists parallel to your everyday life. Using GPS inside your iPhone/iPod Touch, you move between
Wow, sounds cool, how can I get the game?
Underworld is currently distributed through Cydia, so you can only download it if your iPhone / iPod Touch is jailbroken. In that case launch Cydia, open ‘More sources’ section and install
I did what you said, but the game fails after showing splash screen!
Please try this and let us know if it helped. Credits to Spark for this fix.
Ok, but I don’t like to jailbreak my phone. Do I still have a chance to play the game?
Yep. Please wait until we finish AppStore version of the game.
Your previous blog entry says AppStore version should go live in the middle of March. What’s with that?
We had to postpone this deadline to make the version 1.1 ready. AppStore version is going to be enriched with all the 1.1 features too, so it’s a good thing after all Final deadline for the AppStore version will be revealed later this week.
Yay, I’m already into the Underworld! Do I have to physically move around to play it right?
Our approach for creating game mechanics was to give player an ability to make money even when sitting on one place. Although if you are able to move between different locations you will obtain a significant boost of more commodities in supply&demand and many different people around you.
I’m getting stupid «Network errors». What are you going to do about it?
Sorry for that, looks like we underestimated our active players count a bit. Glad to say we are already working on our game servers’ performance. Positive results should kick in during this week.
I hate cops in the game — they keep busting me deal after deal. Please do something about that!
That’s trafficking, guys, what did you expect?
Ok, seriously — the power of cops in UW 1.1 is the same as in previous versions. Additionally, our statistics show that less than 20% of all the profits (globally) are confiscated. So, let us observe the situation a bit more.
Now, what you should know about police in the game. First of all, the more expensive merchandise are more dangerous. If you don’t possess a good police protection don’t try to make a fortune working with higher commodities. Secondly, keep in mind that even the best protection level doesn’t guarantee you total safety when you are dealing with
Is there any help on the game?
Game help was published yesterday. Check the About section.
What about that open roadmap you are running in the game? Do you care about it at all?
We do care about it a lot!
For the time being we are focused on two things:
- improving game servers’ performance
- bringing the game to the AppStore, finally
Soon after the official launch you are going to see all the features you’ve voted to the top of the roadmap.
Any chance Underworld is going to be implemented for Android?
Yep. Someday
I’m enjoying the game a lot and I really want it to have a messaging board!
An official game site (including a messaging board, of course) is going to be opened together with the AppStore game launch. Meanwhile, check out this unofficial board created by our fans.
I am going to change my iPhone / iPod Touch. Can I keep my Underworld account for a new device?
Sure you can. Install the game on your new device and create the account there. Then drop us a note at containing your old & new nicknames and a very approximate location. We’ll switch accounts between your devices.
Image credits: -bast- via Flickr.
[Update, March 24]: Read this article in French [PDF]. Thanks for the translation, Patrick!
March 16th, 2009 at 3:11 pm
I’m scared of the roadmap, in dope wars we have weapons and I see police protection as underworld’s weapons.. after all if we have gangs to increase our trade area and private law firms to handle busts, I don’t imagine my druglord carrying ak-47s and running from the police with his pockets full of coke..
cops on the map would actually make police protection pointless, unless it came as a perk of the upgrade,
the most important thing to me is expanding the endgame, I haven’t reached it yet but I can see myself still playing after I had all the upgrades as a drug lab owner supplying new players and occasionally get the lab busted and having to build up my money again to buy another one,
March 16th, 2009 at 3:12 pm
oh and great faq, this new version is very interesting =)
im loving the game
March 16th, 2009 at 3:20 pm
Hey sak3r, thanks for the support
In fact, we are already thinking about how to enrich higher levels’ gameplay too. There are options to do that, like adding new ranks & equipment upgrades for example.
March 16th, 2009 at 3:35 pm
glad to hear it =)
March 16th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
Hey i rekon we should have residential gangs like suburbs u live in, or streets, because i have a few near me and we should be able to be in a gang and kill mofo’s from a different street.
March 16th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
I am going to change my iPhone / iPod Touch. Can I keep my Underworld account for a new device?
Sure you can. Install the game on your new device and create the account there. Then drop us a note at containing your old & new nicknames and a very approximate location. We’ll switch accounts between your devices.
I think you need to make a password to look if it’s really them!!
U can do it easy just let them make one in your profile and if he/she ask if you ppl can do that you ask the password. safety first hi lvles are always a easy to hack like that!!
March 16th, 2009 at 9:22 pm
PS are your ppl still looking at Underworld: DrugLords is on! topic or do i need to post it here in Underworld FAQ: Session #1 ones more?
March 16th, 2009 at 9:55 pm
Good point regarding account switching, Edwin. Also, we are going to implement account migration tool in the game sometime later, to avoid this kind of issues.
Admin panel of this blog allows to view all comments in all the posts. If something was left unanswered it doesn’t mean it wasn’t read and considered
March 16th, 2009 at 9:57 pm
Micky, there is “Gangs” feature in the open roadmap in the game. Vote it up!
March 16th, 2009 at 10:48 pm
will there be to versons of the game then one for the app store and one on cydia??
March 16th, 2009 at 11:08 pm
Good job with the new update, the new features are great although I am having some trouble connecting to the game server, but I guess this is a known issue. I’ve been playing UW for quite a while now and although I’m still enjoying the game I’m finding that it’s difficult to progress now. I think maybe I chose to upgrade the wrong things and it’s left me with a huge carry space but low police protection and tradable items making it difficult to earn cash fast. I think the game could be made a lot better if the upgrading system was changed. What I was thinking is maybe a experience system, where players earn xp points through trading and they can then be used to purchase upgrades. Are there any plans to change the upgrading system?
March 17th, 2009 at 12:26 am
it’s one thing to allow migration it’s another to allow multiple accounts with password, that way I could team up with a friend create a new account and exploit the loanshark to buy overpriced stuff from him over and over, the message system would even make it easier to team up with someone to make this happen,
so watch out for that.
once this gets popular you still might get people changing mac adresses or whatever you’re using to identify the phone to make multiple accounts but that’ll be a minority =)
March 17th, 2009 at 9:42 am
loving it…how about UW for blackberry?
March 17th, 2009 at 11:23 am
vapermonk, JB & official version are gong to run in parallel worlds probably. Can’t say that for sure yet, but we will keep maintaining the jailbroken version in any case.
March 17th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
conZZor, we chose to stick to the money-based upgrading system for simplicity’s sake. Not sure if we ever gonna change that scheme, but what is definitely in our todo list is to make this system more flexible and interesting for higher levels.
March 17th, 2009 at 1:08 pm
sak3r, yes, we do care for security a lot
March 17th, 2009 at 1:55 pm
syrianrue, the team of A-steroids has a strong tech background on handheld platforms. Although I can’t say it’s a priority for us right now, it’s quite possible that the game will be implemented for Blackberry or Symbian or other platforms.
March 17th, 2009 at 9:52 pm
Continuing to run up the food chain! Lots of bugs however. The STAB bug, as a previous poster put it, continues to be a problem. Another side affect of this bug is the “Buy to Bust” ratio. I’ll try to do a “buy” and because the system is lagging, the “Buy” won’t go through. The screen returns to normal as if nothing has been asked of it. I’ll try to do the “Buy” again an again with no results. What ultimately happens, on the seventh or eighth attempt, is I’ll get the “Busted!” message and all of the money I tried to spend on all of the previous attempted “Buys” will disappear. I have tried logging out and logging back on repeatedly in an effort to counter this behavior with no results. Any words of advice?
This game still rocks!
March 17th, 2009 at 10:51 pm
andrey, that would be awesome! I currently only have an itouch and therefore can’t get the most out of this games location service. Being able to use my cell network wherever I am at would be AMAZING!! Great work on everything and hopefully someday we will see multi-os/mobile-os versions of the game.
March 18th, 2009 at 6:26 pm
@Paulie45 I’ve had the same thing happen when traveling to work. I’ll be buying something and get busted. Then for some reason it busts me 2-3 more times on top of that…it’s really irritating. I lost 10k on the way to work today due to this bug.
March 18th, 2009 at 8:22 pm
@xxzone I continue to be plagued and can’t figure it out. I was travalling today and lost well over 20k again. Even though I sell everything I buy almost immediately, I am running just shy of break even. I’m wondering if Andrey can shed light on this. If the servers are overloaded with requests, the lag time could explain things. If the the only strings of commands it remembers are the “Buy” requests and it doesn’t see if the transaction actually occurred or not, then if it lumps all of the requests into one, lump-sum total and exercises a “Bust” it might explain it. I don’t know what sort of probability formula is used to generate a “Bust”. While I’ve been typing this I ave tried three times to buy the exact same quantity of product from the same lab owner. Every time I get the “Buying” icon for a minute or so and then the screen returns to normal with no transaction having taken place. Again, as you’ve experienced also, repeated attempts, especially without logging out and back on, usually result in a bust. Have you had any better luck since your post?
March 18th, 2009 at 8:47 pm
BTW, is there going to be one day this week when the servers don’t eat complete shit for hours at a time? I’d gladly donate to try to resolve this issue, cause it’s very irritating.
March 18th, 2009 at 8:51 pm
I don’t have these issues when I’m not driving around. I usually have the game running driving to and from work. If I see a nice deal at a stop light I try to buy it one at a time, or a bunch at a time if I don’t have long to make the purchase. Last week is when I ended up getting hit 9-10 busts for one that happened while driving.
On the way to work today I didn’t have time, so I tried to buy 20+ X at one time, and I got busted 5 times for the one attempt. That was the 10K+ I lost. I think I may be done playing while traveling. It’s nice to get extra sells moving through multiple grids, but some days you just lose more than you would ever gain.
I also leave it open at work and try to buy and sell all day. Maybe run to a new area in the grid around lunch time, but the past two days it’s just sucked in the afternoon. The servers just die, and no sells go through for hours at a time. Very very frustrating.
March 18th, 2009 at 8:58 pm
I appreciate the response. I get this problem whether I’m driving or stationary. Since my last post the servers seem to be completely down. I can’t even get the map to load. No map means I can’t see who’s making what around me and, more importantly, what the junkies are buying. I wonder if it would be easier, and more profitable, if we were doing this for real…wanna buy an 8-ball?
March 18th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
Are you West Coast? And, also, I would also donate towards new servers. What are you running?
March 18th, 2009 at 9:10 pm
Close, Utah
March 19th, 2009 at 9:55 am
The servers are temporary horrible overloaded. Please upgrade them ;-(
March 19th, 2009 at 3:29 pm
Any plans for iPhone OS 3.0 new features? For instance, I could see push notification being handy for when you get people buying from you.
I also like the initial idea of reaching the top level, and then starting to run drug labs. I wonder if there could be a similar approach to becoming a junkie (maybe you don’t pay off your loans, you have to become a junkie or something, and try to clean up your life, before you can deal again).
This game is so awesome. Thanks guys!
March 19th, 2009 at 3:57 pm
nice ones i agree with both the push and the junkie punishment (although it would have to be fun or ppl would just restart the game) BTW i tried 3.0 this morning but since i couldn’t install cydia i reverted back
will you make the jailbreak version 3.0 compatible once it’s possible?
I’d still prefer it even after the appstore one
March 19th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
@xxzone & @Paulie45
I have the same issue. Way worse when connected thought 3G but still happens with WiFi. I too would like to know why the “BUSTS” happen like they do.
This morning I was trying to buy and with in less then 3seconds I get “Busted” I try again. It’s “Buying” for like 30 seconds and then nothing. I let it sit there for a good min or two nothing. I try to buy again “Buying” for another 30 seconds and nothing. Try to buy one last time. Click buy “Busted” with in 3 seconds of clicking and get 6 “Busts” in a row from that try. ??? 6 I only tryed4 times and 2 were busts. So I really got busted 7 times for trying to buy 4 times.
Busts seem to be returned from the server rather quickly, but buys just don’t take and if they do it takes like 30+ seconds to respond. Whats up?
This morning I lost $50,345 and only ended up with 12 niagra and 6 peyote.
I think this is becoming a plague.
I understand the cops are going to do busts, but this is getting out of control.
I understand they say cops are the same setup as they were before, but something was changed. They are not the same. Something has caused the increases.
But I do like the game. I just might never be able to upgrade at this rate. And I want to so I can up my protection.
Slinging drugs in LA, CA.
P.S. Normal drug dealers get less busts. LOL
Keep up the good work of continuing to better the game.
March 19th, 2009 at 5:28 pm
Yeah the cop stuff is so random it’s aggravating. I had an upgrade ready last night, but I couldn’t decide what to get. I really wanted to move up to stamps, but I went and looked through my day an noticed I lost over 20K, so hey my 100K upgrade would be worth saving around 20K a day, so I decide to buy more police protection (police routes). So today I’m buying X and I get busted every other time. Sooo freaking aggravating. I know you still get busted, but man I feel like I wasted an upgrade.
I really wanted to go up to stamps as a product, but thought I would get screwed over even more than 20K, so I thought I needed the extra protection before going to stamps next upgrade. I hope it pays off. I can handle some busts, but 20-30K a day when I’m only up to X is rough! DAMN THE MAN!
I love the ideas you guys have! Running a drug lab would be freaking awesome!!! I also like the Push notification idea, or even set it up to give me email/sms alerts (though I have sms blocked). Great ideas! I can’t believe I’m so hooked to this game. Once I figured out how it worked I was done. I play this more than anything else on my phone, and it’s on almost non stop. Great for work cause I just check my updates every 20 or so minutes (when the servers aren’t hosed).
Never thought I’d be running around in my car to get to a different grid to sell/buy thing :). Thus is my sad life! I’m kind of tempted to try the app store version, but the game would have to be a lot more reliable, and I really don’t want to start over.
March 19th, 2009 at 9:42 pm
Albe and XXZone,
Trust me when I say that increased police protection doesn’t seem to help at all. I have one work around that may help though. If your in an area like I am that has very few other actual people playing the game, buy from the labs at wholesale and then turn around and sell for the max allowed. Seems to work a bit. If your making 1000% profit on cactus the busts don’t seem to hurt as bad. I’ll post again when I’ve figured it out. It won’t work if your competing with other players for supply from the labs and the attention of the junkies.
I also think that the Push notices are a good idea. Even better is the prospect of running the labs and controlling the whole supply to begin with. The ultimate, though, would be a means of forcing out other players vying for control of the labs. If you lose the drug war you get reduced to being a junkie along with those that Oyster Jimmy had to snuff for not paying off the vig on the loan. Another interesting twist would be to have an interactive police force; real head to head action instead of an algorithm embedded in a program on a server. Let’s face it though, this is a free app on a hacked iphone and, although the possibilities are endless, if you go to far you might as well be playing GTA 4 on a PS3. As for the appstore version, if Apple had their shit together they’d have introduced a phone that had all of the features people wanted and needed to begin with. Thank God Cydia and all of the app programmers exist otherwise I’d still be using my Blackberry. All in all this beats working during work.
So, anyone want to buy some blotter…quick, cheese it, here comes the fuzz! ;D
March 20th, 2009 at 11:48 am
Hey everyone
Sorry, long time no comments from us, a lot of work to do with UW.
Ok, random police busts are sort of annoying. We already have a thought on how to give you more control over this stuff. Gonna push that into the next version update. Which is probably going to happen right after the official AppStore launch. Stay tuned
March 20th, 2009 at 11:53 am
3.0 FW is gonna be awesome! After the year of waiting for notifications and Maps API and other sexy stuff I can’t even believe it’s really coming out this summer
It’s out of question that Underworld will use all these goodies!
March 20th, 2009 at 11:54 am
Thanks for the suggestions, fellas. Sounds interesting, we are gonna think about some of them
March 20th, 2009 at 11:36 pm
hurry up, us 3.0’s are waiting
missing the game so bad
March 21st, 2009 at 11:31 pm
Upgrades are too high. U should put a top price for upgrades cause is almost imposible with cops every three transaction taking ur money to get the upgrade amount. Right now my next upgrade is 400k, what will happen next 800k????
To get that amount my grandsons will have to continue my game.
I’m telling you to do something cause people is gonna stop playing at this point.
March 22nd, 2009 at 10:11 pm
Can’t get past the splash screen with a vanilla install (iPhone 3G on 2.2, jailbroken). Any suggestions how to debug? How to start it from the command line? Are there supposed to be logs somewhere?
March 23rd, 2009 at 3:13 am
LOL, I know, about the upgrades…calculated it out, and for the last one, it will be $102.4 MILLION!
It has taken me around 3-4 days, and will take one more day, to get the $200K needed for my next upgrade…
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:04 am
First, I’d like to say that you’ve done a good job with the update. I was skeptical, but now I see how it really works with the junkies and labs taking care if supply and dmand in the new economy.
Next, I’d like to say that I think cops on the map could work out very well, if done correctly. Ad in real life, there could be different “levels” of cops in the game. For example, there could be security, patrol, detectives, DEA, and FBI. With each “level” of cop, they could get better at hiding, and stay undetectable to lower level dealers. As you gain in police evasion skill levels, you can see more cops on the map, then you could before. Also, on any level, there could still be the possibility of getting g busted b an under-cover agent–A cop, that appears to be another dealer, a supplier, or even a junkie.
Finally, I don’t think the levels are too unatainable as they are. The higher levels should be harder to reach–that’s why they’re highs levels! My next upgrade is at $1.5M, and I’m not upset about that. I’ve been working on it for a couple days, and I’ll probably be there in one or two more, tops. The thing is, you have to play! Also, you have to play smart! If you expect to progress in any decent amount of time in this game, you need to be able to look at the map, determine supply and demand, and do business accordingly. Not to be harsh, but if you can’t manage to do that, you shouldn’t be a higher level.
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:05 am
Wow… Lots of typos! I love the iPhone, but the text correction really gets out of whack sometimes!!!
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:11 am
Willem, did you try this fix?
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:26 am
Jason, no, the last upgrade will cost you only 50 million
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:33 am
TheConfuzed1, thanks for the feedback and the suggestions!
March 23rd, 2009 at 10:13 am
It’s mid may!! Where is this on the app store? I can’t wait to play when can we get a release date?
March 23rd, 2009 at 4:59 pm
Anyone notice an issue with selling lately or with Junkies buying?
I am selling shrooms, there is a demand for it in my area and there is a junkie wanting it. But I have been stuck with them for 3 days now with no sells. The cost of my shrooms is lower that what they have sold for to junkies before. I am the lowest selling in my area. I see others selling buy I am $1 under the lowest one. I see everyone selling but not mine.
Any thought.
120 Shrooms $3,196
No room for anything else.
March 23rd, 2009 at 7:18 pm
Err….. It’s march, I was really tired when I types that. Why’s the release date. I thought it was supposed to be this month.
Ive been waiting so long to play this. I’m considering JBing my phone to play
Please hurry
March 23rd, 2009 at 8:02 pm
Just Jailbreak it man. Why would you not want to? (Remember you could always un-jailbreak it later)
And as far as the release date goes for Appstore version, it all depends on the Appstore. If the what to be A holes about it and not let the new version in or not.
March 25th, 2009 at 8:23 am
Police lvl 0 - Buying LSD - Get caught 9 TIMES IN A ROW. I think this destroys the game. I cant do profit anymore and i dont think upgrading police would help me much…
March 25th, 2009 at 11:09 am
McCocain, if you’re having Protection Level = 0 no wonder you get busted every time dealing with LSD. Get a couple of levels of protection - it will get better.
The next release of the game will definitely contain a kind of Danger Level indicator for each commodity. This will help understand better what are your chances to get busted.
March 25th, 2009 at 10:28 pm
Hey All,
I’ve got Police Protection a lvl 5 but still get busted a lot for coke. Still the bust ration went WAY down for all other drugs. I agree with Andrey. LVL up, LVL up, LVL up. For me the STAB bug continues to punish me badly. I’ll try to buy but no buy goes through. Then all of a sudden, I’ll get busted for 6 or 7 previous buy attempts. Server lag is killing a lot of us. Makes game play very, very difficult. I’ve said it before, I’ll happily donate towards new/ additional servers. Play for pay at this point. Just like a real pusher. Here’s a taste for free and share it with your friends…then when were all good and hooked, ask for some green. Just a thought…
March 26th, 2009 at 2:43 am
That’s it exactly now! The servers are messed up more than half the time. I’ll get a full supply of stuff to sell, go to an area to sell it, and then the stupid game doesn’t update for hours on end. There are people in the area ready to buy.
Also irritating is the economy. The prices paid for stuff have gone down a lot…a couple hundred over the past week, so it takes that much longer to make your money to get upgrades.
All that aside though, if the stupid servers worked I’d deal with the rest. I used to do 1 level every day, and was shooting for 1 level every 2 days now, but the servers make this impossible. The game is awesome when it updates every 15 minutes running normal, but when it stops updating for hours at a time, I’m just about to give up on it.
March 26th, 2009 at 8:17 am
Why dont you stay at cydia with cydia Store??? Or push the game to appstore and to cydia store??? I wont stop dealing with drugs just of appstores rules!!!
March 27th, 2009 at 7:01 am
This game update is pretty bad from before. Before I could buy a certain drug in my area go a town or two over get rid of it and buy a different drug and go back home and sell it. Now it seems that drug labs that sell a specific drug their are no bots to buy that drug at that time even if I go a few towns over their still aren’t any bots to buy. I once drove a half an hour away and still no change. Now it’s like their is no point on leaving your area.
March 27th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
For the most part there is a 4 grid route I take by my house (one of those 4 grids is my home grid), anyway, most of the time the grid diagonal from me usually has the opposite stuff than my home area, so this usually works out. Last night was the first time every I drove through all 4 grids and none of them had the top two items I have on my list for sell. That was really frustrating, so yeah, would be cool if it was a bit more intuitive like that.
On a separate note, the servers were awesome yesterday! Here’s hoping it lasts. It’s much appreciated!
March 31st, 2009 at 9:24 pm
hey guys i have only had one problem but on avg. i make 300k a day and all i do is drive from one side of town to the other one time a day. love the game but wish i could pay the loan shark in one lump sum than would be nice
April 1st, 2009 at 4:47 pm
Have you guys tweaked the busts on the servers over the past 2-3 days? I purchased new protection 5 days ago, and it was working great. The past 2-3 though it’s back to as bad as it was before the upgrade. I figured the upgrade would be good to save me money I was losing on busts every day, but now it seems like I just wasted my money.
April 1st, 2009 at 7:22 pm
WTF is up with prices lately? I buy stamps and sell them for 1300-1400 usually. Lately it’s been going lower and lower. It’s under 1100 today. That just kills your profit margin when that happens. I can understand it fluctuating 100$ one way or the other, but we are talking about a 400$ swing now. Top that with 20K in busts minimum a day, and it’s taking longer and longer to level.
Factor in driving from one location to another to be able to continue playing the game, and it’s starting to ruin what made the game fun in the first place. I’ve been wasting a quarter tank of gas a week having fun with this game, but you keep killing the margins like this, and it’s just not going to be worth it anymore.
April 2nd, 2009 at 2:52 am
question, before the update it seemed to me that trade area was good cause i can see more people, my friend that lives a few towns away used to not be able to see me but now he can and he has no points into area. i have 4. i was woundering if those 4 points are a waste? lol cause if he can see me there is no reason for me putting points into area. hmmm… if thats the case imma have to push all my money on him and use that to respec my points…let me know…thanks
April 2nd, 2009 at 8:59 am
i have been playing for about a week now and have hit level 10 or 11 (the 50,000 one). i just restored my phone and am hoping my account will still be active. if not i will drop you a line. I love the game and get scolded frequently by my girlfriend when accessing it everytime we get off a train or enter a new area. My qualms aren’t with those issues however…
Where’s the heroin, man?! I mean that’s the drug! lol jk, but seriously shouldn’t it be here? Furthermore, since when is shrooms more expensive than acid and peyote? I realize the game is not real life, but shouldn’t it be LSD, peyote, then shrooms(most expensive to least)?
PS: Missions are a good idea, but robbing other players with weapon upgrades would be so much more interactive! Hit me back…
April 2nd, 2009 at 12:08 pm
Are you going to keep underworld in cydia with the news from apple about jailbreakers?
April 8th, 2009 at 3:11 pm
If it gets accepted to appstore will it cost anything if so how much?
April 9th, 2009 at 7:05 pm
It kinda sucks it’s going to a game about candy. The drugs seemed like a way better theme.
April 12th, 2009 at 7:40 am
will I have to upgrade my firmware to 2x or will the new apstore version be 1. X still?
April 12th, 2009 at 8:43 pm
jdm, the game will run under 2.0 and later firmwares.
April 13th, 2009 at 7:20 am
does that mean I will have to restore, and re jailbreak to the new update?
March 10th, 2010 at 11:14 am
Could I get a part of your entire info to my personal site
May 25th, 2010 at 10:45 am
Thanks so much People cannot go wrong, if you don’t let them. They cannot go right, unless you let them. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827
June 15th, 2010 at 5:07 pm
Although I would’ve wanted if you went into a little bit more detail, I still got the core of what you meant. I agree with it. It might not be a popular idea, but it makes sense. Will unquestionably come back for more of this.