In exchange for Underworld points, you can now get detailed info about supply & demand in your area.
For 10 UW points, a local cartel member will tell you what labs & addicts exist on your current tile and what are their prices. He also knows when the situation will change.
Visit Underworld to check it out.
May 20th, 2009 at 4:28 pm
Like I said in chat…sweet feature, but too pricey to be used on a daily basis (if at all). If it was 5 points I could have seen myself using this quite a lot.
Guess we’ll see how it goes, and if people think it’s worth that much or not. Really wish it was more practically priced to use though, cause I’d love to use it.
May 20th, 2009 at 4:39 pm
Very nice feature, but agree it’s expensive to be able to use regularly… If it was 1 or 2 points then I’d definately buy points weekly.
May 20th, 2009 at 5:05 pm
I have to agree, too expensive. Just purchased it and all it tells me is; what I already know. At least I know when the new tile refresh will be
May 20th, 2009 at 5:09 pm
Concept is cool. But I already spent $10 on points. I used them for police protection and on two of the days I used them the economy was bad and it was a complete waste. UW points are the only thing I have ever purchased from the app store and I dont think I want to spend anymore. Great game though, so I guess it was like an investment for a great game.
Maybe the supply and demand info can be equipment that you use in game $ to level up. And the higher the level the better help you get. Just an idea, that way it expands the playing time because we will be able to level up higer.
May 20th, 2009 at 5:46 pm
I don’t get it. What’s the diference? We can see all that info already on the map, the info on when the supply will change and into what is nice but not all that awesome..
what would be worth something is what is the max price that you can set so the junkies will buy all your stuff.
cuz i have decent prices and junkies sometimes come and go and not buy anything then i switch tiles and another one will buy 40 or more in one go..
info on how that works at least for the current tile would be a lot more interesting. say im packed with 120 waffles and i come to a tile with a waffle junkie. the insider tells that junkie will buy it all if its only 4.999 it would be worth it..
May 20th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
It does tell you what the junkies will buy it for.
May 20th, 2009 at 6:00 pm
I think this feature has to be expensive. Nobody will use this daily and this minimizes the gap between people, who purchase points and those, who don’t.
May 20th, 2009 at 6:09 pm
That’s one way to look at it. I use police protection quite a lot, and can figure out the max price of something in about and hour of that protection, so I was comparing the price vs the other services already listed.
With police protection I know I’m getting a service for 8 hours. With this, you can burn 10 points and if the tile is going to refresh in the next 20 minutes, you just screwed yourself out of 10 points.
Points aren’t that expensive, and if you’ve played the game enough to get on the cream of the crop, maybe giving back to the developers a bit is a good idea. I know that’s why I purchased points.
May 20th, 2009 at 6:28 pm
xxzone who are you ingame? i don’t see you in the cream (not in europe or in earth) or do you mean the US cream?
May 20th, 2009 at 6:29 pm
Jinx in game. Loud mouth complaining a-hole in the chat room :P.
May 20th, 2009 at 7:29 pm
I can see myself using this feature only one time, and that is only to find out the time that the “situation” will change, once i figure that out i can then figure out the 10 hour tile refresh and will be able to play more efficiently within the new economy. For example if i purchase insider info at 1500 and it tells me the situation will change in one hour, i will just wait until the refresh and at 1600 i will look at the map and see what the junkies are buying and buy/sell those items for 10 hours and do the same 10 hours later.
Not much for strategy but hey it’s a game.
May 20th, 2009 at 8:55 pm
Did the formula used to determine the amount a junkie will pay change today when this feature released?
I have noticed that junkies in my neck of the woods will no longer buy at the prices I have been using for months and months, but if I go a tad bit lower they buy right away. Is this now a much bigger variable to support the new feature of knowing the max amount they will spend?
For example - LSD at 1399 is a no go - though I have sold at 1799 in the past - I have only been able to sell at 1299 today.
May 20th, 2009 at 9:40 pm
DeadxdawN, price limits of addicts vary from time to time. Every time tile “switches” to another set of commodities, actually.
May 20th, 2009 at 9:40 pm
thanks DeadxdawN
Andrey, I knew it, there is a change on pricing this morning maintenance as per DeadxdawN research.
Andrey mentioned earlier that there is no change in pricing, when I asked why my addict in the area is not buying anymore in the same price, which is buying before the maintenance.
Andrey, enlighten us on this please on what is going on.
May 20th, 2009 at 9:56 pm
Ok i just bought the info and it and the local cartel member states that the situation will not change for the next 10 hours:
Gummy Bears $14 - I set my price at $24
Mints $29 - I set my price at $39
Lollipop $137 - I set my price at $237
Ice Cream $259 - I set my price at $359
Donuts $514 - I set my price at $614
Cake at $161
Sales since I purchased the Local Information my sales have been the following keep in mind i have not moved.
14 x $160 cake - Walnut Forrest 16:25 Walaka Sugar Addict
5 x $24 bears - Dessau 16:34 Burns Sugar Addict
1 x 359 cream - Dessau 16:34 Guido Sugar Addict
14 x 2272 waffles - Dessau 16:34 Uzair Sugar Addict
11 x $159 cake - Walnut Forrest 16:0 Walaka Sugar Addict
Even with me sitting in one spot Addicts from other areas are buying from me but my Map and the Local Info only show that I have one addict on my tile and that is Walaka he is buying cake, so why are there other Addicts buying from me? And since they are buying why didn’t the local cartel not show me this information my Trade Area is Level 5.
Even with very reasonable prices no one that can see me are buying at those prices but these random addicts are what’s the deal? Andrey please help explain this… because if addicts from other areas are buying from me then i am losing money trying to make trades with other players when i could be selling to addicts at a premium price correct?
Thank you.
May 20th, 2009 at 10:06 pm
Something funky for sure happening with the pricing when they have this UW 10 points cartel, which I agree is expensive for 10 points and it is only in one area
May 20th, 2009 at 10:43 pm
VIPGuest, I just answered to you in the chat. Your local addict must have been refreshed his prices. And the new price limits came out to be lower than before.
The maintenance stop today was to fix one database trigger issue we have found. Not even close to the addict pricing mechanics
May 20th, 2009 at 10:53 pm
Malik, addicts can only buy stuff from dealers sitting on the same tile as they are. That’s for sure.
Sometimes (kinda rare actually) your current location on the iPhone / iPod Touch can be detected with errors, resulting you being transferred from tile to tile as the game updates. This might be your case.
May 20th, 2009 at 10:56 pm
ok, Andrey, thanks for the response.
However, to completely satisfy me being pissed off today, answer me just one more question and this will help me get this off my mind.
I know the pricing limit varies for addicts. So, what would be the lowest margin and/or highest margin of a Waffle as an example? $4000 to $9000? or what?
May 20th, 2009 at 11:09 pm
VIPGuest, sorry, I can’t disclosure that information. But your numbers are pretty close.
May 20th, 2009 at 11:33 pm
Thanks for the response Andrey, I just want to understand so that I can maximize profits, and i figured since i’ve been at home all day, that my map was showing correctly… On my map it shows my location in the very top corner, so when i need to trade i will drive to a store to sell to other junkies, so could it be that my wifi connect dropped which caused a switch to the iPhone connection the system/junkies thought i moved locations? Which seems odd if I’m still physically in the same location?
May 20th, 2009 at 11:47 pm
btw this has been bugging me for a while, how do ipods signal the location?
May 20th, 2009 at 11:54 pm
@ sak3r i would assume it uses the location information based on your wireless router
May 21st, 2009 at 12:35 am
Just got busted 5 times in a row buying waffles/coke and i have level 5 police protection. So much for 25% chance ill get busted. That sucked!!!
May 21st, 2009 at 1:07 am
Does anyone know if labs are actual people or not?
May 21st, 2009 at 2:41 am
In cotc my location shows Ireland while I am actually in Nepal. It was showing ok before maintanance. My screen name also Dragon
May 21st, 2009 at 4:59 am
@chuu The labs are AI.
May 21st, 2009 at 5:08 am
My location says west midlands UK, but I’m actually Yorkshire UK. Any chance this can be changed? I’ve mentioned this about a month ago… Thanks!
Username Big Mo
May 21st, 2009 at 9:04 am
Something very strange and somewhat irritating happened this morning…
At around 1am last night I’d filled my pockets with 170 Waffles, when I wake up and check around 8am I find all my Waffles gone, BUT no purchase, they’ve simply vanished. This can’t be fair, as you understand there is a large chunk of money has simply gone missing.
Further to the last post, here in Ritherhide (Actually Bermandea in London), it tells me my location is in the West Midlands, can anything be done about these locational inacuracies too please.
Beyond all this still loving the game
May 21st, 2009 at 11:34 am
My location earlier showed Ireland instead of Nepal , but now its corrected back showing Nepal.
Whatever they do with all these changes .. hope they remember to maintain the speed and pace of game. @ its gone in last 2-4 days its been just hell !!
May 21st, 2009 at 12:18 pm
This really does suck as it’s looking increasingly likely that I’ve just lost $935,000 without any chance in seeing this back, that’s not including the price getting it in the first place…
Argh ;(
May 21st, 2009 at 1:11 pm
This feature could affect game balance by helping people with points too much. I don’t like it.
I’d rather have to pay for the game itself than have a 2way system where people who don’t pay get shafted..
May 21st, 2009 at 2:52 pm
FNM…go to the chat room, post your NICK and location shown on your screen in game, and Andrey will eventually help you out.
May 21st, 2009 at 4:02 pm
Thanx, but sorry for sounding like an idiot, but where’s the chatroom? Or are you meaning via Twitter?
May 21st, 2009 at 4:07 pm
Chatterous dot com /Underworld (sorry html links are moderated, but they wont care about this one.
May 21st, 2009 at 4:15 pm
May 22nd, 2009 at 5:03 pm
I’ve had 170 Drops for $2,200 all night long with no sales!
Now I have them at $1,200 !!
I need to move them so I can have room to buy waffles to sell to this new junkie!
EVERYONE needs Trade area 5 for this game to work as Andrey wants it to cause no one can see me exept one person!
May 22nd, 2009 at 5:07 pm
Ok I feel the new economy still has too many glitches. and does not work.
I travel between 7-9 tiles driving to work and then again on the way home.
So I would say I travel a fair amount and should be selling fairly good right????
Yesterday I had a waffle addict in my tile at work, Had 60+ Waffles and none of them ever sold. I changed my prices anywhere from 3500 - 7000 in $500 increments and nothing sold all day.
Then that night I got home and it must have been my lucky day I get home and my tile there has the waffle addict. I thought great I can sell them now for sure.
I can’t sell my waffles. I have had the price all over the board. Now I have 120+ waffles.
Last sale was WED for 20 at $6,460 and have been unable to sell them since. Cant remeber when prior to that i sold any, think it was saterday I sold some. Today being Friday, you would tink i could sell more then 20 waffles in a week.
Other dealer don’t even buy them even at low low prices. (Maybe I am invisible when I sell waffles. LOL)
Now I can sell Gummy Bears to Ice Cream to just about anyone, but again only 6-12 if I drive around all day, i can never go up in rank at that rate. If I am stationary for more than 30 Min I SELL NOTHING.
I have tryed to sell LOW and I mean REALLY LOW. Other players just don’t buy. Junkies don’t buy.
What good would the new supply and demand do for me if junkies still will not buy?
Since the change of the economy to this new style there seems to be nothing but issues with more issues.
All these issues and changing of the economy should have been in the beta version. NOT A FINAL RELEASE.
You are still in the testing stages. and you are making people pay you for this?
Don’t get me wrong you are entitled to make money where you can, but if you were smarter all the changes you have done should have been in the beta, points and all. (Points being free). and when you released the final version - EVERYONE IS RESET - STARTING OVER. and then charge for points and such. give them maybe a point rewards according to the level they reached, for helping with the beta.
I just feel that it sucks because you could have a really great game here, BUT YOU KEEP CHANGING IT AND HAVING ISSUES.
I too have notice items disappearing and not getting money for it. If this was another game I would have thrown it out the window.
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS. People making 2+ Mil a day, I am on my phone every 20min and can’t sell shit. 1 week and still can’t break a mil.
I wanted to see just how many people were really left playing the game, I garbed my wife’s i phone and loaded up that game. Started her off and did the initial 2 upgrades right off and bought some items.
Waited a until this morning for “Cream of the Crop ” to update and she was listed at Position 4738 in the world. Man that sucks they say there are more than that playing, but if a new game puts you at that level, would that not mean only about 5000 people are really playing that game and that is in the entire world.
How could this new economy support dealer to dealer selling when there are so few people playing?
OK. I am done. venting. I just hate to see a game with so much potential fail so quickly.
May 22nd, 2009 at 5:12 pm
Waffles at $1800 - $2200
Drops at $900 - $1200
waffles at $3700 and NO SALES
Drops at $1500 and NO SALES
So how again it this to work.
Buy low sell high. (Does not work, NO SALES)
Buy low sell low. (Does not work, little to no sales)
Buy low sell lower. (Does not work. YOU LOSS MONEY)
May 22nd, 2009 at 5:53 pm
I feel like trade area is now pretty important but I still feel like it is the last upgrade to worry about. Without the police evasion you can’t make money when you get busted 3 times in a row and are only making a fraction of the profit selling as a middle man.
Also I think the screens should allow you to see more than 6 people at once. I will have a full screen and a lab will show up where I can’t see the last person anymore. If we are supposed to trade with each other we definitely need to be able to see everyone in our trade areas.
May 22nd, 2009 at 8:17 pm
I am having the same issues as you Albe. Game as pretty much stopped for me. I do a fiar amount of driving also during the day, and can’t sell anything above Ice Cream anymore. I have been practically been sitting on a Waffle Junkie all morning and he won’t buy. Problem is, I can’t drop my prices down because i had to buy the waffles off of another dealer for 5K, because there are no waffle labs to be found.
I also decided to use 10 points for the “cartel tip” trying to use up what points i have left before i stop playing the game. That info was worthless! Told me pretty much what I knew by just looking at the map. The prices it did list as what junkies were buying for didn’t work either. To test, I dropped the price to what was suggested for waffles (around 4500, 500 less than what i bought them for) and still didn’t move any.
I am with you, this game had so much potential and has pretty much went to shit overnight.
Nice work.
May 22nd, 2009 at 8:50 pm
People in chat having the same issues. The only way to fix it is to buy cartel info for 10 points, and then the area starts working. SAS did that this morning. Had her waffles for sell at around 2700-2900, and they wouldn’t sell for an hour.
Then the cartel info was bought and the cartel said the price was around 3700-3900 (going by memory here which is poor). Set to that price and they started selling. Then set back to the 2900 from earlier and it started selling, so it seems cartel info has effed some stuff up. Not sure, but just what we’ve observed.
Too bad andrey hasn’t been around yet today, cause this could use some attention.
This is the problem I’m having. I drive into an area and sell my waffles for 7400K. So I leave at that price for 45 min with no sells. Do the cartel info to find out WTF is going on, and no the price is dropped down to 6500. I just sold them to the exact same junkie, waffles and dots, that are on the map now, but after the inital sell the price was lowered.
That right there is a bug, and most people would seem to think that’s shady. I prefer to think it’s a bug. Stefan stated they don’t want you using this every day (who the @#%@ knows why not if he knows economics at all they would want us to use this every day). If they weren’t interested in money than why did they do point packs? Maybe the devs were divided on the points issue, and he was one that was against it, but i digress.
It sucks that stuff appears to be tweaked every day in game, but we get updates every few weeks on what is going on with it.
May 22nd, 2009 at 10:44 pm
xxzone, the refresh of a tile’s isn’t connected to cartel info purchase at all, that’s for sure.
And as we just have been discussing in chat - indeed, under some circumstances the area can refresh quickly after you enter it.
May 22nd, 2009 at 10:50 pm
FNM, please contact me over email ([email protected]) describing the details of the issue, we’ll try to investigate what happened. Sorry for a delay, missed your report somehow.
May 22nd, 2009 at 10:53 pm
Dragon, Cream of the Crop is updated on a daily basis and it always shows your location as it was at the last update. So, after next update the location is going to be correct again.
May 22nd, 2009 at 10:59 pm
What comes to our plans. We have a couple of game updates all planned out already. First one smaller, but the second one will be huge. Spoiler alert - it will allow you to see and work with a demand around you as easy as you work with offers right now.
Of course, new levels, equipment and some features from Open Roadmap to show up too
May 22nd, 2009 at 11:08 pm
Now not to sound like I am complaining, as I am not, just want to show my point of view.
small update - OK
Huge update - Time to relearn to play the game again.
I am glad to see the game is moving forward and continuing to improve, But at the same time I feel it should still be beta stages not a full release like this. We should be testing it and then playing when it completed.
May 22nd, 2009 at 11:25 pm
Albe, just another point of view. The app is still free so it could still be considered beta just with more people than before.
May 22nd, 2009 at 11:26 pm
I have been having issues selling waffles in my tiles, especially my home tile. Hopefully that can be fixed cuz I don’t make much money at all on my days off unless I to driving around.
I have been trying to trade with some people but due to selling issues, my only hope is to have a waffle or drop lab I can buy from and hope someone I can trade with that has a junkie that is buying.
May 23rd, 2009 at 3:54 am
@andrey New item should be heroin/brownies. Glad to hear more levels are being added.
May 23rd, 2009 at 5:20 am
I would like to see a feature that allows you to make an offer, that expires at a set time.
In other words, I make an offer of ‘X’ for item ‘Y,’ and the offer is good for ‘Z’ hours.
The other dealer then has until the expiration of the offer to accept the deal. If he does, you can buy for that amount until expiration.
Other dealers/junkies still pay the set price.
May 23rd, 2009 at 5:29 am
Fun game - need better option for payingloan shark
May 23rd, 2009 at 5:48 am
@ golden the money gets deducted auto from your money once a day. As long as you have the money your in good shape, which shouldnt be hard to have. From what i recall the payments are about $ 200 a day
May 23rd, 2009 at 8:42 pm
hey, can u please add a anchor for TOP and BOTTOM link in this page.
add the BOTTOM on top of this page, and add the TOP on bottom of this page. coz it sucks to scroll specially when using your iphone
May 23rd, 2009 at 11:17 pm
Yippieaieeee, level 21! It’s like bright light at the end of the tunnel… Hope the surprise will stay the same for others who reach 21 and not just for me. Thanks asteroids for this amazing game!
Although the end game bounty is really cool, I hope asteroids will expand the game play beyond level 21 and the secret mission because I would hate to have to stop playing…
May 24th, 2009 at 10:30 am
good Job Taruk Izamah. But what us after Boss. Can you still play
May 24th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
Heh… Taruk is making stuff up!
May 24th, 2009 at 11:58 pm
Taruk makes stuff up every time he gets to a new level. Obviously he doesn’t get enough attention at home.
May 25th, 2009 at 4:07 am
Junkies no refresh nearly 14 hrs now. What’s up?
May 25th, 2009 at 12:41 pm
I am also having trouble selling waffles. I have tried going as low as $4200 but seeing as I’m paying 3800 for them I’m not going any lower, I’m about to just delete this fucking game if you guys are going to change the economy this much you really should have given people a reequip since everything was based on old economy.
May 25th, 2009 at 12:55 pm
In last some week i wasn’t able to play on my iphone coz of different reasons.. anyway as i saw on my friend’s iphones, the things are worse than ever .. if you won’t do anything you’ll loose a lot player, days are passing, and nothing sold for anybody. We were playing a lot, but everybody’s intrest for the game going down. You should do smthing or the servers will be empty with the same speed as they got crowded.
Good luck guys.
May 25th, 2009 at 3:15 pm
Gratz Taruk, looking forward for ur e-book. Just two questons. When have u started playing, and when have the game starded ?(i mean the very first, cydia relase date)
May 25th, 2009 at 5:56 pm
Are you guys even looking at the map? You needcto make sure that what you’re selling has a junkie to buy it.
If you have a lab, you don’t gave a junkie, so price your item low enough so that someone who does gave a junkie can resell it. You have to look at the map though, to see what’s selling, because with the new economy, just because you don’t have a lab, that doesn’t mean that you do have a junkie.
When the junkies do pop up, try increasing your price incrementally, to find the max price that they will pay. If fifteen minutes goes by without a sale, lowe your price–It’s too high.
Ocassionally you’ll run into a junkie that will pay stupid money. For example, last night I had one paying $4,699 for drops! I bought everything that everyone was selling, and made $600k, in a few hours, just by selling drops! I could have sold more, if there would have been more people selling them!
May 25th, 2009 at 5:59 pm
Sorry about the typos.
I also wanted to add, I was stationary when I did this, so iTouch owners are certainly not excluded!
May 25th, 2009 at 6:06 pm
The prices of addicts are very low in the last 3 days.
Now, how would the concept of buying and selling works for real players if the addicts are buying low?
What’s up with that?
May 25th, 2009 at 6:11 pm
Oh yea, recently, the quantity of supply and demand was cut in half, and seems OK imop. Even if…
***Take note***, Andrey announced before that the number of supply and demand of addicts are increased to 50%. I don’t think it is true at present. Now this number is decreased, and we never heard of any announcement, what a jerk.
But… cutting the price of addicts is ridiculously unfair for players and we will unable to play the game of buying and selling. Fix this mess!!!
May 25th, 2009 at 6:47 pm
Too many secret updates!!! we are paying customers and we deserve to be notified.
Everytime you do a server shutdown/maintenance, something get’s changed and introduced issue to players around the world.
Is this how you take care of your customers? There are lots of training regarding customer satisfaction you know.
May 25th, 2009 at 8:35 pm
Calm down, take a breath, try to understand that no one is out to get you, and realize that often in life, you get nowhere by calling people names and being a dick.
The game is getting better. It may not always be ideal, but the supply and demand randomized.
By the way, Andrey, congrats on getting married! Of course, if you haven’t realized it yet, you will soon… Your life is now over! It’s all hers now.
May 25th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
TheConfuzed1, I think you are just confused! You must agree that we are getting secret updates and it is unfair.
It would be fair when they make note before server update to let us know prior what is in the update, not specific details but at least what get’s changed and what to expect.
May 25th, 2009 at 11:34 pm
Obviously, the system gets tweaked here and there. No one is arguing against that. All I’m saying is that the game is definitely still playable. You just have to adapt to the new strategies.
Oh and one more thing–I’m not really confused. That’s a front.
May 25th, 2009 at 11:43 pm
The new features of the game are taking a bit of getting used to. Personally, I’m finding that the speed of play has slowed dramatically. Most all of the money that I’ve been able to earn lately as been through sales to other players. I know that this was the intent and I’m happy to see this finally beginning to come about. To people who think that the refresh rate is to slow or that there aren’t enough junkies paying top dollar, relax and realize that you’ll have to sell gummies and mints as well as waffles. If you don’t roll over all of the various commodities your daily sales will definitely suffer. I realize that it isn’t much fun to turn over twice as much product at effectively half price to achieve the income we used to enjoy by just sitting in our living rooms doing nothing. Trust me when I say that I’d love to have 24 hours with both a waffle lab and waffle junkie of the same map screen. I could go up a level in a matter of just a few hours. If you think about it though, what would the fun in that be? I frequently message people in game and find out what they need or ask them to give me a deal on something in exchange for buying 75 or 100 of an item in a single transaction. So far it seams to be working pretty well. The other nice thing is that I get to have conversations with people from all over the world. I wish that more people would utilize facebook. The social aspect of the game shouldn’t be overlooked. If you don’t have an account you should get one. It’s a good way to interact with other players not to mention friends you already have. If you’re like me, I have friends all over the country and I’m finding it’s a great way to stay in touch with people whom have drifted out of my life over the years. Just a few thoughts.
May 26th, 2009 at 12:25 am
this game is going to hell fast, explain to us again how they expect us to make any sales in this game? for one because of the slow pace of the game no one is playing enough to interact with them.
how do they expect us to interact knowing there is a 10 hour tile refresh so there is no incentive to check my dealer/junkie/map every 15 minutes anymore?
it seems that most players have pretty much decided not to play or check the game more that 4 times a day so again how do they expect us to work with other players when NO ONE IS PLAYING other than sporadically?
If they want us to interact fine get rid of the npc junkies and labs and let players take over for them because at this point they are pretty useless. the problem is we buy/sell to people that wont/dont communicate than i do from the dealers because no matter what price you set the majority of people will not buy from you anyway.
i’ve never seen a company destroy there product in such a short time. game is pretty much dead, A-Steroids knows this and they don’t care. I think they bit off more than they can chew. they have no formal forum, and twitter is supposed to be used for quick updates they comment what every few days… and the chat is pretty useless as well.
as i said before they need to realize that this is a GAME not WORK, its too much work for the casual player to play or even learn, and if a-steroids only want to have hardcore players then drop the game off the appstore and put it back on cydia.
May 26th, 2009 at 2:36 am
The game is find the way it is, with one small exception–We need more items. As it is, there are I my two items with a big payoff–waffles and drops, and to a lease extent, donuts.
The problem right now is that if these items aren’t represented by any of these, with either labs, or junkies, the game becomes too slow to make any progress with.
However, if there were two more items for sale, on the upper end, and there were always at least one of these four being consumed, and one being produced, that problem would no longer exist.
May 26th, 2009 at 2:43 am
Stupid predictive text!
“Fine,” not “find!”
May 26th, 2009 at 2:44 am
amen malik!! I loved this game in cydia and now it is garbage.
May 26th, 2009 at 2:45 am
Can we get a real forum please, with editable posts?
The typos are giving me fits of OCD!
May 26th, 2009 at 12:33 pm
Well it is aggravating not seeing the labs that you want but don’t be upset because it takes more effort to get the next rank. Now it boils down to trading with other players and interacting. That should me the point of this game otherwise what would be the point of gps and trade areas or the game being online period. Before the update I didn’t send a message to a single person but now that I interact, I continue to move up in ranks on cream of the crop.
There are days that I get aggravated when I can’t make sales but it isn’t the end of the world. A steroids will continue to adjust things in the game to utilize all the great features of the iPhones and itouches to make the game enjoyable on a larger scale than a single player game.
Maybe when they are done they can release a single player version for everyone that is not making the efforts to work with other players.
May 26th, 2009 at 2:37 pm
Your argument would be valid if the stupid trade area upgrade wasn’t so sporadic. I’ll make deals with people to lower their price and buy from them for hours, then next tile refresh they seem to disappear. Neither of us has moved, so that shouldn’t happen. It’s pretty stupid, and makes me just shut off the game for a while.
May 26th, 2009 at 3:57 pm
People don’t play this game hardcore anymore.
Gameplay is so slow!
I have 170 Coke/Waffles for $2,500 and I’ve messaged everyone and no response.
So, I guess I’m gonna do like I did yesterday. Find a newbie and sell for $5.
I lose money, but at least there is some action in the game and the buyer is appreciative.
May 26th, 2009 at 4:45 pm
Server Down! - No warning? - WiFi Connection. Worked fine 2 min ago.
May 26th, 2009 at 5:29 pm
Server up again
May 26th, 2009 at 7:03 pm
The trading with other players has made it faster paced for me recently. SugarCapo and I usually work out deals on a daily basis now, and it seems to be working out for both of us. Granted you dont make as much per item when you buy from another player, but if he has a lab and you have a junkie, profit is profit, and it will add up.
May 26th, 2009 at 7:26 pm
Albe, might be your connection issues? Our monitoring service didn’t report any outage.
May 26th, 2009 at 7:34 pm
TheConfuzed1, I remember promising a site&forum a while ago. Sorry for a delay. We are working on it, really
May 26th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
May 26th, 2009 at 9:08 pm
awaiting feedback…
May 27th, 2009 at 3:53 am
Yeah, I remember too. Just thought I’d put that out there.
May 27th, 2009 at 4:16 pm
What is going on with this game.I went to work and found a waffle junkie so i bought 80 waffles for £4000 off another player thinking that I might make £1000 / £1500 on each one. I started off trying to sell at £5600 which is not too much as I hear other players selling for as much as £9000 and the junkie did not buy anything. Other junkies bought stuff so I know it is not a tile problem, so every 15 min I lowered the price by 200 until i got to £4000 THE PRICE I PAID and still nothing
Can you please explain why, I tried everything and NO SALE
I am a beta testa and dont want to quit now but thing like this make me want to delete and leave a string of bad comments on app store
PLEASE EXPLAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 27th, 2009 at 4:22 pm
You want us to buy from other players. But it will not work if we can’t sell for a profit !
May 27th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
Well, i have to say that i love the new Economy. The old stradegy was: buy low from lab, sell high for junkie. Simple, too simle, cuz the real point of the game is trading with each other, not only with bots.
At firts i also found the game slow. And yeah, my profit is lower on one deal, but i make much more deals, so its the same, perhaps even more.
Anyway, the game is more exciting now~
May 27th, 2009 at 4:50 pm
Okay is it just me or are busts increasing. I lost almost 1 million yesterday and I have level 5 protection. I was probably geting busted 25% of the time and once 7 times in a row. Getting busted over and over buying lowly items like ice cream and donuts is bad enough but when you have to buy from other players the $’s quickly add up. I’m all for buying the points and supporting the game but I can’t afford to buy everyday.
May 27th, 2009 at 5:37 pm
Escobar, is your game nickname the same as here? If you’re in Chelmsford, County of Essex right now, bad idea to sell waffles in there. There is a lab producing waffles and no junkies that would buy them.
May 27th, 2009 at 5:38 pm
anybody, glad you like it
May 27th, 2009 at 5:43 pm
InJail, yep, there is always a chance of being busted even with a very good evasion equipment. Even a few times in a row. We will definitely improve this part of the game in the future updates to give dealers more control over the bust chance and losses.
May 27th, 2009 at 6:25 pm
Well Andrey, better improve that police busting, as it is almost unplayable when you lose more money than earning.
I’m still awaiting feedback on the “secret updates”, see my comment above.
May 27th, 2009 at 6:33 pm
I was in little Waltham and there was a waffle junkie there at the time like I said. He wanted them and I had them, tried all prices.
I also sent a message in the game in Report a bug
May 27th, 2009 at 6:40 pm
I agree with InJail, we can’t be playing UW points everyday to protect us from police, then it will just be unnecessary to upgrade police evasion, which you can leave to level Zero but buy police potection.
It sure needs some balance for players and make it fair.
May 27th, 2009 at 6:49 pm
I’m taking a break for now and will keep an eye on here to see what changes are made in the future.
I also, like Escobar, have had days with junkies on my tile and yet they don’t buy anything even if you put your price stupidly low.
My other main grudge at the moment is the huge difference in price a junkie will pay for an item from one day to the next.
I bought something like (can’t remember exact amounts)50 of an item from another player for half the price i had sold to a junkie for the day before, thinking i could make a bit of profit, and then ended up having to sell for half the price that i bought them for just to get a junkie to buy.
I’ve been online on and off all day since 6am, and still have seen nothing worth buying to make any profit on. Boredom has set in.
I wont quit completely, because there was a time when Underworld was enjoyable to play, and i hope one day soon something will happen to bring the enjoyment back.
As someone mentioned before, this should be entertainment, not a full time job.
May 27th, 2009 at 6:51 pm
VIPGuest, if you avoid using offensive language in your comments it will drastically increase your chances to get an answer quick
What comes to the “secret updates”, we can’t let you know each time we do a small tiny change to the game, right? And for a big stuff we always do announcements.
Regarding the supply&demand, it is still higher than before 1.1. Maybe not 50%, but 30-40% for sure. And overall dealers’ profits are still higher.
May 27th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
Andrey, I got you, foul language is unnecessary. As you know, we got pissed and it is an expression.
However, we respect certain secrecies but we also need your respect to let us know if there changes that affects the strategy and concept of the game.
The change from 50% (originally announced) to 30-40% will give you more respect from us if we know prior to the updates. Agree?
I am hoping moving forward that we get along and ensure we got communications on server updates if these are bug fixes, enhancements or tweaks in the game, may be a general idea and not to be very specific.
Let me know your thoughts?
May 27th, 2009 at 8:10 pm
@VIPGuest & @andrey:
I agree with both of you. I feel that we need to be kept more up to date with changes that affect strategy and game play. Prior to the change would be best to give us a chance to prepare ourselves. As some players spend real money on points and its not fair to them to have them buy points and then change the strategy of the game.
But at the same time I see no need to tell us every little detail. I am sure you are tweaking the server side on a constant basis daily. We don’t need to know the in and outs of the game.
It nice that most of the game is ran server side as we don’t have to wait for an approval from Apple for the update.
What I would like to see an update section where only the Devs make posts. And they can inform us of changes.
Tomorrow we have changing to threshold buying prices on all items for junkies. We have increased the maximum buy price by a large amount to help increases the deals being made between dealers and dealers,so everyone get a share in the profits. Additional we have lowered the police busts between dealers to dealers deals to help promote trading.
Example End
This is the type of info we all are looking for, not exact numbers, just a heads up that there is a change coming in the way you play.
- Albe
May 27th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
I hope the update for police is soon because where I live it is only 2pm and i have already lost $400k in bust! Not cool at all.
On another note I appreciate the news and feedback you give for this game. Not many game devs do this so on behalf of everyone who does not appreciate A-Steroids work. Thank You!
May 28th, 2009 at 12:01 am
well for all of you losing money….. Sorry to hear about the problems. I feel like I get busted a lot! Yet If you keep trading you still make profits. I got busted 3 in a row buying 35 waffles from someone earlier today but I continued buying and selling like always and still turned a good profit for the day.
@Andrey, keep up the good work. I am sure the updates will be well worth the wait but hopefully we can just get a ball park of when to expect it. Don’t even need to tell us details, just let us know of we can expect it within the next month. Also more input on the small tweaking, maybe just let us know if any of the more addressed issues on this site by the longterm players.
May 28th, 2009 at 12:27 am
yup well over $1m in bust today
May 28th, 2009 at 12:41 am
Well, it’s taken a little time, but it appears this new economy is working, you’ve just got to play it right. I’m making more money now than I ever have…. 2-3 million a day, sometimes a million in less than 2 hours.
I think alot of my frustration was because I was so used to the beta way of playing, and couldn’t get used to the new method. But I can honestly say that if I had only started playing this game when it was released in the app store, I would love it just as much as I did, and again do now.
Seriously, it is actually really easy to make a nice load of cash every day guys… Don’t be afraid to lower your prices!
Apologies for any rants I may have had in the past Andrey, I let my frustrations get the better of me… I am 110% back into this game now.
May 28th, 2009 at 8:02 pm
Dont get me wrong, i love this economy! Working with others earns you way more $. I just had a $2.5m day yesterday. I only get mad cause i had over $1m in bust too. I guess thats part of the game.
May 28th, 2009 at 9:37 pm
I apologize for any rants from the past.
I Love the new economy!! Especially cause I like selling so low! (it makes me feel good to help others who don’t have a local lab)
This is once again, a Blast! THANK YOU!! I can’t wait for you to give us a timeline on updates and what to look forward to!!
May 29th, 2009 at 1:08 am
with regard to when you get busted, i have noticed that when are about to get busted when buying stuff it takes a while to buy, i.e spining icon spins longer than should do just shutdown and wont get busted, meand you wnt buy drugs ( sorry sweets) either but at least wont lose money, thoese who complain about game stop conplaining it’s a good game and free i played as a beta test , not at top but done well and think they done good job with new version, apart from sweet’s but i have dluw skin , anyway yep i am drunk , my only complaint is i am in uk, so no free wi-fi everywhere , so hard to from tile-tile, try my tip does work tried myself and saved money, good dealing everybody
May 29th, 2009 at 4:52 pm
Im still waiting for a answer on why the junkies are not buying.
Also I have level 5 police protection so on the top 2 products it should be 25% bust. WRONG the last 2 days I have sat down and worked out my busts to buys and I have been getting busted 75% this is stupid I have not made a penny.
I lost 1 mill in less than 5 min today. Your game is SHIT
this combined with no answer to my other posts have now made me and everyone I know delete this game and leave bad feed back in app store.
May 29th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
Again, i have to agree with Escobar on the junkies not buying AND the bust % problem.
I too have level 5 protection, and my busted rate is much higher than 25%.
I very often get busted 3 times in a row, and most often it’s 3 busted, 1 successful purchase, and then 2 or 3 busts again.
I wont go as far to say the game is ’shit’, but i do think that for some (especially those that can’t move around so much) the game has become pretty unplayable in it’s current state, which is why for now i have stopped playing.
For those that say too many people moan, and that the new economy is much better….. i agree, it CAN be easy to make money with the new economy, BUT ONLY if you have someone within range willing to work with you…… But when the junkies wont buy, why would even the person working with you buy your stuff if they never know now if the junkies will buy them or not.
I worked together with Escobar, and at one point i think we was both making a fair amount of money each day, but then the problem with junkies not buying (at any price) appeared and it became pointless playing.
May 29th, 2009 at 9:28 pm
To all those players feeling the pinch, don’t give up! Stay with the program. Everything in this game seems to be cyclical. By that I mean that, for a few days, your sales won’t be that good. The junkies will only be buying gummies and mints. Two days later, however, the cycle comes back around and you’ll be selling more waffles than you can put your hands on. For every 2mil day you have you’re also going to have a 500k day as well. It’s all part and parcel of the game play. If you go back and track all of your good and bad days, add them all together, and divide by the total number of days tracked, I think you’ll find that you’ve done pretty well over-all. I dropped three slots on Cream of the Crop over a three day period but three days after that I’m right back up. It’s the nature of the beast. Just play and enjoy. Besides, eventually we’ll all get to the end of the game and we won’t have anything to continue bitching about. Maybe what we should all be asking is when will Andrey and the crew roll out the next phase of the game for all of us who have gone the distance on the first 21 levels…What do you think Andrey?
May 29th, 2009 at 10:23 pm
How the hell can u make $2.5m on one damn day? I get 14 waffles max. at one 15min period and could sell this for max. 5500 to others. What about you?
May 29th, 2009 at 10:24 pm
Btw whats at lvl 21?
May 29th, 2009 at 10:29 pm
ya Paulie I have noticed that cycling as well. For a couple days I had slow sales and then two days where I was selling the crap out of waffles for 9.5k and drops for 4.9k!
Today I have only been able to sell at lower prices but was able to sell lollipops up to waffles and make 6 mil over the past three days. I am expecting a decline over the next few days but should still make a little profit. Though there haven’t been answers to everyones questions I am sure all these issues are being worked out among the developers.
Stick it out a little longer and hopefully an approximate release date can be given for the update that everyone is looking forward to.
May 29th, 2009 at 10:53 pm
Escobar, I investigate “junkies not buying” requests from time to time and I have to say, I can’t recall even a small problem with junkies’ demand for weeks now. Addicts are addicts, they need the stuff and they always buy the stuff if their find the prices appropriate. The problem is, sometimes their price limits are kinda low. But that’s the game - you have to find your way to get cheaper stuff to make profit even then.
May 29th, 2009 at 10:59 pm
Albe, VIPGuest, I see your point. The problem here is that Underworld is a game after all
If we describe every little thing we are changing, what’s the point of playing it at all? But I understand, maybe we’ll have to tell more when it comes to changing some serious stuff. We’ll keep that in mind.
May 29th, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Paulie45, you’ve made it to the top, congrats
We are going to push a relatively minor update (1.2) to the AppStore next week and the work on the bigger version has already started some time ago. I’ll put more details on that after 1.2 comes out.
May 30th, 2009 at 12:48 am
Cant wait for the 1.2 update.
That $2.5m day was one of my better days cause the next i barely made a lil under $1m. My basic strategy is buy low sell high and im lucky enough to have people that understand this concept so we trade with one another to meet each others supply and demand. If you havent tried already try messeging the people in your area and work out some deals. If you have a lab they need sell at reasonable price so that both of you make profit.
May 30th, 2009 at 7:02 pm
Case in point, today I’ve got nothing happening where I am. I’m trying my best to function as a go between for labs and dealers but I don’t really hav any takers. Dropped from 6 to 8 overnight on the Cream of the Crop. Per my own advise, though, I’m still rockin’ the shit outa dis game!
May 31st, 2009 at 6:43 am
Here’s an anomaly–
There are two of us playing this game where I work. Keep in mind, this isn’t just the same map tile; it’s the very same building.
I had waffles priced at $5,550 today, and didn’t manage to sell any. The other guy had them priced at $7,500, and continued to sell them every 15 minutes… In fact, after a while he began to purchase them from me in order to sell them to the same junkie that I was trying to sell them to!
May 31st, 2009 at 4:29 pm
TheConfuzed1, could you please drop me a note to or in Twitter when this happens again? I’ll take a look in real-time.
May 31st, 2009 at 4:51 pm
I had that same thing happen yesterday with my roommate. He sold waffles at 8k while mine were set at 7k and mine would not sell till his were gone. On top of that I had to drop my price to 5500 for mine to sell to the same junkie.
May 31st, 2009 at 5:37 pm
Sure thing. If it happens again, I’ll let you know.
May 31st, 2009 at 7:44 pm
my waffles have been on sale for 4000 for two days now and noone has bought any not even dealers so I guess that’s too much too ask? Give me a damn break I sold 1.5 mil worth on Friday now thinking of dumping 120 waffles. Really f&$&ing great way to play this game I am down 200k from Friday
May 31st, 2009 at 11:48 pm
TheConfuzed1, Andrey This is exactly what happened to us. We have many players at work and for the entire day the addict is only buying from 1 person, it does not matter if other players have lower prices. We hope this get fixed.
Thinking it should be buying from every player that have available items within the same map/tile (like from us all) where the price is reasonable to addict, maybe divide its number of demands among players.
Just an observation, it seems the addict will keep buying from the same player it bought the very first time, so when that player keeps its supply higher than zero, it will keep buying from that player, and rest of players in the same map becomes useless.
Again, we hope this gets fixed and ASAP, as some of our players at work may quit playing the game as only one person make sales anyway. Thanks.
June 1st, 2009 at 8:20 am
I getting busted and losing over $1m in one day. NOT!
June 1st, 2009 at 12:06 pm
Ok everybody, we have found what is the problem with addicts buying from the wrong dealer in some cases. This will be fixed soon.
June 1st, 2009 at 1:05 pm
Ok, server maintenance is done, the stuff with addicts should be fixed now.
June 1st, 2009 at 3:17 pm
Andrey, did you correct the bust rate % too?
The rate i’m getting busted at in the ast hour or so is much better, much moire like the 25% it should be
June 1st, 2009 at 3:31 pm
Thanks. I hope my email helped.
June 1st, 2009 at 3:59 pm
Andrey Thanks for the prompt fixed, you guys are awesome.
We will observe the situation today, although all we have the entire day are labs
Does it now select players with the best price as to what it should be before?
And will the addict divide it’s demand among players if they have same price?
June 1st, 2009 at 4:13 pm
TheConfuzed1, partly, yes
June 1st, 2009 at 4:15 pm
DreamBoy, yep, now it is always fair - addicts buy from the lowest bidder in the area.
Although when the price is the same, the behavior is unexpected, the addict will choose one of dealers at his own
June 1st, 2009 at 9:33 pm
Andrey, that is great, thank you.
How about the quantity? Example, if player one only have 2 donuts priced at 1200 and player 2 have 30 donuts priced at 1300 (consider both prices are reasonable to addict)
Will the addict buy on player one and then get rest of quantity from player two to meet its demand?
Thanks in advance.
June 2nd, 2009 at 3:56 am
That’s how it has normally worked for us.
June 2nd, 2009 at 7:21 am
DreamBoy, that is correct.
June 15th, 2009 at 11:27 pm
ok, Bust Rate sucks Big time and i know everyone is aware of it. Sometimes u get a lab, u get busted 4 times in a row. how are we gonna give other players a good deal when even selling high u cant even recover from the lost.
Another good one is when u get busted atleast twice in a row and then on the 3rd try it says “Deal is no longer available” lol
I just hope this game gets some major update and turn it around from the same repetitive stuff. i like it, but sometimes i feel like escobar, erase it and move on.
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